I met Joe Taylor, the inventor of weak signal modes like FT8 and Nobel price winner at the Dayton FlexRadio Banquet in 2019. His speech inspired me to add this feature to my App. It took me some time to understand his way of encoding and decoding the FT8 messages and I learned a lot about FFT (fast Fourier transformation) but now it’s done. FT8 is here!
You can now run FT8 from inside the App without using a PC anymore.
The main features of my Implementation are:
Auto logging of QSOs
QSO Automation
Worked before calls are marked
DX Calls are displayed on the Panadapter
Automatic tuning to the correct FT8 frequencies and set of all necessary Radio Parameters
Currently, only FT8 is supported and DXpedition or Contest Mode are also not supported butit supports regular FT8 QSOs which are about 95% of all FT8 QSOs.